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When, in the award-winning Bengali movie, 'Harmonium', veteran actor, Kali Banerjee's character told Santosh Dutta, "Dekhun, khei bole debo kothakar doi (I can tell you where you've got this curd from just from its taste)," he wasn't bluffing! That's the insane love Bengali's have for Mishti Doi (Sweet Curd). A speciality from Bengal, Mishti Doi has witnessed many an important occasion in every Bengali's life, adding a special sweetness to those moments.
It all begins with 'Mukhe Bhaat' or 'Annaprashan', the Bengali ceremony that celebrates the first day when a baby has his or her first solid food. The royal event sees relatives, friends and family rejoice over a grand feast that most definitely ends with some Rosogollas and heaped spoonfuls of the Mishti Doi.
As years pass by and the Bengali immerses himself or herself into traditional occasions and rituals, he or she develops a deep fondness for the Mishti Doi. The Durga Pujas commence year after year and the 'bhog' at the thematic 'pandals' end with a serving of this delicacy. In fact, it is quite common to find people from the 'para' asking for an extra cup of Keventer Metro Mishti Doi even after they've had two or three cups already! The sweet dessert is indeed the Bengali's sweet weakness!
Some Bengali's don't even wait for the year's biggest gala, to have their beloved sweet dish. Any get-together, and there you go! You have a traditional Bengali sweet and a cup of Mishti Doi ready to be served as the dessert that brings the feast to a befitting end. When afternoons in Bengal see the scorching sun, overhead, get the better of a person's health, many people resort to a lunch of rice and curd to keep the body cool. However, for those who steer clear of anything sour, Mishti Doi comes as a welcome respite. Many a times, out comes a pack of Keventer Metro Mishti Doi from the fridge and the Bengali savours every bit of his or her lunch in the sultry weather.
When the Bengali decides to tie the knot, the Mishti Doi makes another gala appearance. Perhaps, if we could imagine the dessert as a person, we'd find him smiling broadly. The Mishti Doi would clearly be proud of its overwhelming importance in a Bengali wedding.
Through the years that unfold, the Bengali, born with a sweet tooth, finds excuses to dig deep into the Mishti Doi, till it's time for another 'Annaprashan', and the circle of life is complete. In fact, so much is the deliciousness of this delight that its fan following has gone beyond the Bengali and spread across the entire world. The Mishti Doi is a star in its own right!
And when the most delicious of all Mishti Doi-s comes packed in convenient little cups, that can be stored in the fridge, Bengali's happiness soars in leaps and bounds. The Keventer Metro Mishti Doi finds its place in every household to become a part of Bengali's most cherished memories and an indispensable part of his/her life.