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Come summer, the sweltering heat will have you craving for something cool that is not just delicious but also keeps you hydrated. More than often, you'll want to spoil yourself with the range of soft drinks available in the market. This is where we'll ask you to stop and give your health a thought.
While undoubtedly tasty, aerated drinks come with appalling side effects that can cause more harm to your body than any other liquid. From causing diabetes to adding those extra pounds, soft drinks can lead to unnecessary health complications. So what should you do? Stick to plain water? Perhaps yes, or perhaps, you could try something wholesome, tasty, and healthy. Something like fruit juices, or the age-old favourite Indian drink – lassi.
The lassi, these days, comes in multiple variants. There's Rose Lassi, Mango Lassi, Strawberry Lassi, Kesar Pista Lassi, and even Chocolate Lassi. However, nothing beats the taste of the Classic Lassi! The slightly sour taste of curd perfectly blending with the sweetness of sugar, with a dash of salt and some spices added to taste, makes for a delectable summer drink. Most importantly, this classic beverage comes with a plethora of health benefits.
The key ingredient of the Classic Lassi is curd or yoghurt. Needless to say, this makes the beverage rich in probiotics that not only lubricate the intestines, but also help in easy breakdown and absorption of food. So, do add this super drink to your daily diet, and if you are worried about not having enough time to make it at home, just grab the Keventer Classic Lassi from the nearest store!
Move over the new-gen, anti-bloating, fat-reducing tablets. Try something natural instead! You know how curd can keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. The lassi does the same. Fun fact—the healthy bacteria in lassi can keep bloating at bay, which, in turn, keeps your belly in shape.
Like any other great dairy product, lassi too is rich in calcium and makes your bones stronger. Moreover, the high vitamin D content in the drink can boost your immunity, manifold.
Lassi is rich in lactic acid which improves skin texture and elasticity. It can also aid in the removal of freckles and blemishes leaving your skin flawless and youthful.
Need more reasons for us to convince you to make the Classic Lassi your go-to drink this summer? Well, here's one more! One of the biggest advantages of incorporating a beverage like the Keventer Classic Lassi in your daily diet is the fact that it is comes in a tetra pack that increases the shelf life of the product. So you don't need to make fresh lassi every day because you can simply stack up on Keventer Classic Lassi and drink it fresh daily. Best part? UHT processed and hygienic, the Keventer Classic Lassi pack can be relished even on the go.
Get ready for an awesomely delicious summer ahead. And keep watching this space since we'll be back with another interesting blog, soon!